Hi, My first excursion into the wonderful world of org-feed is to get my to-dos from RTM. Has anyone tried this before? It is not finding any new items for me. The file and header are created just fine. The userid/passwd challenge was fine. No drawers appear though. Here are the messages: Contacting host: www.rememberthemilk.com:443 Opening TLS connection to `www.rememberthemilk.com'... Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli -p 443 www.rememberthemilk.com '...done Opening TLS connection to `www.rememberthemilk.com'...done Reading [application/atom+xml]... 2k of 2k (100%) Reading... done. No new items in feed RTM No new entries from 1 feed In .emacs: (setq org-feed-alist '(("RTM" "https://www.rememberthemilk.com/atom/keith.mantell/847602/" "~/feeds.org" "RTM Entries"))) I am using org-mode 6.34c under Ubuntu 9.10, Emacs 23.1.1 Is there a simpler feed which is known to work that I can try my setup on to identify whether this is RTM specific or not? Any pointer welcomed. Thanks, Keith