I don't know much about exporting to HTML, but I do all my writing in org with visual-line-mode (with occasional export to latex).  I really like v-l-m and have had no problems.  There is a lot of functionality in org which I don't make use of, however.  So, in my experience, they're good friends.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Scott Randby <srandby@uakron.edu> wrote:
Quintana Seguí wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem relating /emphasis/ which leads to a question related
> to visual-line-mode.
> b) Are visual-line-mode and org-mode good friends?

I've found that one must exit visual-line-mode before converting an
org file to html. Weird things can happen if you forget to exit before
the conversion.

Scott Randby

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