> it doesn't look like anything that OrgMode isn't already > doing or could be made to do with a SMOP Hmm, really? Did you watch both screencasts? http://xiki.org/screencasts/web_development.html http://xiki.org/screencasts/wiki_syntax.html Please point me to the part of OrgMode with features for navigating and searching the filesystem in a tree structure. I'm interested in checking it out and comparing it to xiki. > an example of how you can mix OrgMode markup and Emacs Lisp It sounds like you might be thinking that the lisp in that my tree was to be executed. That's not the case, it's for navigation (you use the tree to jump to those lines in the files). --Craig On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Mark A. Hershberger wrote: > Craig Muth writes: > > > Here's an example of a xiki tree you might build up when working in some > > elisp files. Could be useful for communicating about code on mailing > lists > > like this one. Forgive me if org mode (or something else) already does > > this. If so please enlighten me - I'd be interested in checking it > > out. > > It's hard for me to see exactly what is going on, but it doesn't look > like anything that OrgMode isn't already doing or could be made to do > with a SMOP. > > Look at Emacs Starter Kit > (http://eschulte.github.com/emacs-starter-kit/) for an example of how > you can mix OrgMode markup and Emacs Lisp, for example. > > Mark. > > -- > http://hexmode.com/ > > The only alternative to Tradition is bad tradition. > — Jaraslov Pelikan >