#+OPTIONS: author:nil #+TITLE: My fancy title * Finite element conditions - Note taken on [2017-02-16 Thu 23:35] \\ 3% strain via a load curve (relaxed for viscoelastic case) fiber direction (\lambda) as a function of time for each element ** One-element test - Elongated from 0 to 100% from $t=0$ s to $t=1$ s - The elongation was held constant and the stress relaxed until $t=3$ s ** Stress relaxation - 125 elements (5\times5\times5) - Same conditions as [[tab:coeff]] #+NAME: tab:coeff #+CAPTION: Coefficients | G_{e} | G_{0} | N_{d} | I_{0} | | (MPa) | (MPa) | ? | ? | |-------+-------+-------+-------| | 0.429 | 1.0 | 6 | 0 | - Displacement boundary conditions - Stretched from 0 to 3% in 5 s, followed by 1.5% ~ 3.0% cyclic strain @ 0.1 Hz - Timestepping adjusted to ensure solution at each peak and valley ** Model *** Bodies - Rigid bodies - 6 DOF - Position by load curves (functions of time) #+BEGIN_QUOTE This requires storage for a symmetric 2nd order tensor at each integration point for each element, at each previous timestep. #+END_QUOTE $$ \int_{a}^{b}{f(x)\,g(x)\d{x}}\big. = f(\xi{})\,\int_{a}^{b}{g(x)\d{x}}\big. \qquad a < \xi{} < b$$ Referencing my code [[blk-test]] #+NAME: blk-test #+CAPTION: My block #+BEGIN_SRC python import numpy as np a = np.zeros([3,3]) #+END_SRC #+CAPTION: clamping [[file:../Figures/KrentzGeom/clampingInitial.png]] # https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/418rzk/how_to_use_orgmode_to_write_documentation_for/ # https://www.wisdomandwonder.com/link/9922/how-to-reintegrate-changes-for-word-back-into-org-mode # http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2014/07/17/Pandoc-does-org-mode-now/ # http://pandoc.org/demos.html * Configuration :noexport: #+OPTIONS: tex:dvipng ** First alternative To get a working file, first set the ~#+OPTIONS: dvipng~ somewhere, then export to odt with Org-mode (~C-c C-e o o~), and run this (you can do ~C-c C-c~ on it; make sure that LibreOffice is not running) #+BEGIN_SRC shell :results none libreoffice --headless --convert-to doc ./doc-convert.odt #+END_SRC ** Other alternatives: #+BEGIN_SRC bash pandoc -s -S --bibliography=../../References.bib wcb2018-abstract.org -o wcb2018-abstract.doc pandoc -f org+smart --bibliography=../../References.bib wcb2018-abstract.org -o wcb2018-abstract.doc pandoc -f org+smart wcb2018-abstract.org -t docx+smart -o wcb2018-abstract.docx #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports none :eval no-export ;; http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu/blog/2015/01/29/Export-org-mode-to-docx-with-citations-via-pandoc/ (defun helm-bibtex-format-pandoc-citation (keys) (concat "[" (mapconcat (lambda (key) (concat "@" key)) keys "; ") "]")) ;; inform helm-bibtex how to format the citation in org-mode (setf (cdr (assoc 'org-mode helm-bibtex-format-citation-functions)) 'helm-bibtex-format-pandoc-citation) (defun ox-export-to-docx-and-open () "Export the current org file as a docx via markdown." (interactive) (let* ((bibfile (expand-file-name (car (org-ref-find-bibliography)))) ;; this is probably a full path (current-file (buffer-file-name)) (basename (file-name-sans-extension current-file)) (docx-file (concat basename ".docx"))) (save-buffer) (when (file-exists-p docx-file) (delete-file docx-file)) (shell-command (format "pandoc -s -S --bibliography=%s %s -o %s" bibfile current-file docx-file)) (org-open-file docx-file '(16)))) #+END_SRC ** General options - Import symbols #+LaTeX_HEADER: \input{../Reports/symbols.tex} - Show all headings on startup #+STARTUP: content - No table of contents #+OPTIONS: toc:nil - Use python3, do not evaluate when exporting and create a session (all blocks are connected) #+PROPERTY: header-args:python :python python3 :eval no-export :session - Substitute "Listings" for "Blocks" when exporting code to LaTeX # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2814714/ #+LATEX_HEADER: \renewcommand\lstlistingname{Block} #+LATEX_HEADER: \renewcommand\lstlistlistingname{Code blocks} #+LATEX_HEADER: \def\lstlistingautorefname{Blk.} ** Change the resolution of the exported equations (and previews) - Use dvipng to export #+OPTIONS: tex:dvipng * Local variables :ARCHIVE:noexport: # https://stackoverflow.com/a/20033865 # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8 # org-format-latex-options: (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 1.5) # End: *** COMMENT If you want more control, use this # #+OPTIONS: tex:imagemagick # # org-format-latex-options: (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 10)