#+LATEX_CLASS: scrltttr2 * Preamble :noexport: #+TITLE: Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! #+SUBJECT: Or: org-mode and KOMA-Script letters #+DATE: 1580 #+AUTHOR: Romeo #+PLACE: Verona, Italy #+LCO: DINmtext # NOTE: Check the KOMA-Script manual to find a LCO that fits the # envelope standards of your country. # NOTE: Change the order of the backletter, use smart quotes and # include backaddress #+OPTIONS: after-closing-order:(my_after_signature ps cc encl) #+options: ':t backaddress:t subject:centered # Remove the first header #+LATEX_HEADER: \setkomavar{firsthead}{} * To-address of the lovely Juliet :to: # NOTE: Explicit newlines are not necessary in TO and FROM Juliet House of Capulet Verona * From :from: House of Montague Verona * Location :location: #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz} #+BEGIN_CENTER *Montague* #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \tikz \draw (0,0) --+ (0,-1) arc [radius=1, start angle=-180, end angle=0] --+ (0,1) -- cycle node [below=1.5em,midway] {\bfseries M}; #+END_EXPORT #+END_CENTER * Dear Juliet, # NOTE: Your letter is the first non-special heading. The title of # this heading may used as an opening. #+BEGIN_VERSE Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set On the fair daughter of rich Capulet: As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine; And all combin'd, save what thou must combine By holy marriage: when, and where, and how We met, we woo'd, and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us to-day. #+END_VERSE * Yours truly, :closing: Romeo of House Montague * some arbitrary LaTeX code :my_after_signature: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex % this special heading was added dynamically. #+END_EXPORT * PS :ps: PS: "PS" is not typeset automatically by KOMA-Script @@latex:\noindent@@ PPS: This is a feature! * CC :cc: Paris and Lawrence. * ENCL :encl: See also [[https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Tragedy_of_Romeo_and_Juliet][The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet]] * some more arbitrary LaTeX code :after_letter: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex % here we can place random LaTeX code, e.g. including PDFs via the pdfpages package. #+END_EXPORT