Very true, my config would scare the average Emacs user as its too complex :) On Mon, Jan 10, 2022, at 7:41 PM, John Hendy wrote: > On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 6:32 PM Samuel Banya wrote: > > > > The double reporting thing still doesn't apply to me. > > > > Even if you pay with credit cards, ultimately it comes out of your regular bank account to pay off. > > > > To me, its easier to just focus on the single bank account, and obtain the latest .csv from the current week (Last Saturday to current Saturday), and treat the entire list as a list of negative value expenses, and positive income items to keep it super simple. > > > > The simpler it is, the better for me, because I honestly hate doing finances, and only do them to make sure I'm ontop of everything as its the last thing I want to do on a given week. > > > > Hope that helps give some background, since I don't want to appear to be difficult, but would rather just "keep it in a spreadsheet". > > > > To kind of back it up just a slight bit, even the average Excel user would say the same exact thing, especially ones that try to avoid having to use Quicken or more complicated pieces of software (which I know, there DOES exist GNU Cash, etc). > > > > But yeah, keep it simple, keep it Emacs, keep it Org Mode, and keep it fun :) No need for Ledger. > > I totally get the resistance to ledger from having tried it myself for > a bit, but that last line made me chuckle out loud. No one using emacs > and org-mode is keeping it *that* simple :p > > The simplest answer is probably Mint. >