Hello, the new doc-view-mode in emacs 23 can be used to view DVI, PDF and PostScript files. I have written a custom link type for org-mode to allow linking to those files from org-mode. This is the first thing besides .emacs customization that I have written in elisp; as such, any feedback would be much appreciated. I have only tested it with PDF files so far, but it should work with anything doc-view-mode can display. The attached file adds support for org-store-link inside doc-view-mode buffers. The link syntax is: docview:/path/to/file.pdf: where is the page number to visit. To use it, copy it to your load path as org-docview.el and add (require 'org-docview) to your .emacs file. I'd also like to suggest to integrate this functionality into the standard org-mode distribution, as emacs 23 includes doc-view-mode by default. I am releasing the code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 or later. Jan Böcker