On 29 November 2023, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > William Denton writes: > >> Attached (I think attachments work on this list) is a small Org file that has a >> table that sets out all the various options possible with the basic processor >> for citations. Most work, but not the author style, and the caps and bare-caps >> variants never do. > > Seems to work for me on main. Unless I miss something: > > ASCII export: Huh! I never tried ASCII export. I see HTML works, too. Try LaTeX or ODT. My apologies, I should have specified that. It should throw an error that starts like this: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument char-or-string-p (raw nil #("van Dongen, M.R.C." 0 18 (:parent #3)))) capitalize((raw nil #("van Dongen, M.R.C." 0 18 (:parent #1)))) (if caps (capitalize a) a) (org-cite-concat p (if caps (capitalize a) a) ", " y s) (closure ((caps "c" "bc")) (p a y s) (org-cite-concat p (if caps (capitalize a) a) ", " y s))(nil (raw nil #("van Dongen, M.R.C." 0 18 (:parent #2))) "2012" nil) funcall((closure ((caps "c" "bc")) (p a y s) (org-cite-concat p (if caps (capitalize a) a) ", " y s)) nil (raw nil #("van Dongen, M.R.C." 0 18 (:parent #3))) "2012" nil) I can reproduce this by running "make repro" on main and then loading in that basic.org file. Thanks, Bill -- William Denton https://www.miskatonic.org/ Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator. Toronto, Canada CO₂: 420.59 ppm (Mauna Loa Observatory, 2023-11-28)