I think I've found another bug with citations, this time about filtering on keywords when printing bibliographies with the CSL processor. Either that or I'm wrong about how it works. Here's a test .bib file; note the "keyword phrase" keywords. Filtering doesn't work on them. Test.bib: @article{article1, title = {Title Here}, author = {Denton, William}, date = {2020-01-01}, journaltitle = {Journal Title}, issue = {1}, keywords = {keyword phrase} } @article{article2, title = {Title Here Too}, author = {Denton, William}, date = {2023-11-01}, journaltitle = {Journal Title Too}, issue = {2}, keywords = {keyword phrase} } @book{book1, title = {Mastering Emacs}, author = {Petersen, Mickey}, date = {2022}, keywords = {emacs} } And here's an Org file. For exporting I'm using CSL, referring to a style in my Zotero directory. Any Zotero user will have this, but I don't know how to make it easily reproducible for others. ### --------- Org file starts #+bibliography: Test.bib #+cite_export: csl ~/Zotero/styles/chicago-author-date.csl * Text One article: [cite:@article1]. Another article: [cite:@article2]. And a real book: [cite:@book1]. * Everything #+print_bibliography: * Emacs #+print_bibliography: :keyword emacs * Keyword phrase #+print_bibliography: :keyword "keyword phrase" ### ---------- Org file ends When exported to LaTeX, the complete bibliography and the Emacs bibliography are there, but the "keyword phrase" one isn't. The manual says, "Values including spaces must be surrounded with double quotes." I did that, but based on this it doesn't seem to be working. (I'm running Org from the development branch.) Bill -- William Denton https://www.miskatonic.org/ Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator. Toronto, Canada CO₂: 421.56 ppm (Mauna Loa Observatory, 2023-11-22)