Dear list, one of my uses od org-mode is to prepare documents wrapping R (and sometimes Sagemath) call results in interpretation text. My reference output is .pdf documents, but I *have* to prepare a .docx version (for use in managerial spheres, where computer literacy is *very* low. Cross-references and citations are a sine qua non, maths are useful. I have been annoyed by a couple of deficiencies and inconsistencies between exporters, so I prepared a test document testing various cases. This documents and some exports are attached (NE = Native exporter, PE = ox-pandoc exporter). TL;DR : * I tested the built-in latex/pdf exporter as well as ox-pandoc, the latter both for .pdf and .docx export. The built-in ODT exporter doesn't export citations ; therefore, I didn't test it further. * org-ref's :labels and :refs do not export to anything but the built-in latex exporter. The native system of #+NAME:s and #+CAPTION:s, a bit on the heavy side, seems not to fail (except that they do not expand in a caption...). * Maths, tables, figures are unproblematic. * The requirements of org-reftex, the built-in latex exporter and ox- pandoc being mutually incompatible, and some ingenuity is required. see the attached org source. Org-ref's requirements do not simplify the situation... * Code snippets (i. e. source blocks exporting code) have a captioning/numbering problem : - With the built-in latex exporter, they are numbered and labeled as figures. - The pandoc latex exporter numbers them separately (as seen by referencing them), but do not output this number (nor the category) before the caption. - The pandoc .docx exporter works as advertised. So I have a couple of questions: * What can be done to reconcile org-ref's, latex-exporter's and ox- pandoc's requirements for bibliographies ? * How to fix the pdf exporters' quirks with code snippets ? HTH, -- Emmanuel Charpentier