Dear list, Since about a week, exporting directly to Beamer ceased to work. See the attached file : - This file exports perfectly to a LaTeX file (via C-c C-e l b). - The resulting Minimal.tex exports perfectly to Minimal.pdf. - Trying to export directly to PDF via C-c C-e l P fails ; content of the *Messages* buffer : ----------------- Saving file /home/charpent/Boulot/Cellule Innovation/BayesDec/Minimal.tex... Wrote /home/charpent/Boulot/Cellule Innovation/BayesDec/Minimal.tex Processing LaTeX file Minimal.tex... Wrong type argument: sequencep, 108 ----------------- - Ditto when exporting to PDF via C-c C-e l p (= export to PDF withot making frames at header level 2). Retrying Beamer PDF export with debug-on-error set to t gives me the following backtrace : ----------------- Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument sequencep 108) replace-regexp-in-string("%\\(?:\\(?:bib\\|la\\)tex\\|bib\\)\\>" #f(compiled-function (m) #) 108) #f(compiled-function (command) #)(108) mapcar(#f(compiled-function (command) #) "latexmk -shell-escape -f -pdf -%latex -interaction...") org-latex-compile("Minimal.tex") org-export-to-file(beamer "Minimal.tex" nil nil nil nil nil org- latex-compile) org-beamer-export-to-pdf(nil nil nil nil) org-export-dispatch(nil) funcall-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil) call-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil nil) command-execute(org-export-dispatch) ----------------- which isn't very helpful... Any hint would be welcome. Sincerely yours, -- Emmanuel Charpentier PS : CC me would be appreciated : I'm not on the list, and read it via the archive...