On Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 06:45:36PM +0100, Renato Pontefice wrote: > Maybe I’m not so skilled to emacs. I’ve found org-mode that do things that I find useful. I speak about init.el because I think this is the place where I can set some things to do with org-mode, i.e. Can I set deadline to view in emacs without org-mode?I’m simply looking for a good PIM that I can customize with a simple text file… It's all the same. Emacs looks for an ~/.emacs and for ~/.emacs.d/init.el They are just two alternatives with slightly different flavour, but the same function. (But take into account that I have no clue how/where those things live under Windows). I'd propose to start with an empty ~/.emacs (or ~/.emacs.d/init.el) and only put things in there when you are convinced that you need them. Otherwise you'll never know for sure what they are doing. Cheers -- t