IR > May you share your changes? Sure! Here they are: In these slices I take the upper part of the fork (where in case, assuming a small-big usage convention ;)) as that is the value that surely testify the effort estimation overrun. Being so, at the time of this writing I just realized the use of pcase is likely replaceable by a simpler (car (last (mapcar...))) call :). Cheers, Andrea Job: diff -bwi org-clock.el{.old,} 720c720,723 < (let* ((effort-in-minutes (org-duration-to-minutes org-clock-effort)) --- > (let* ((effort-in-minutes > (pcase (mapcar #'org-duration-to-minutes (split-string org-clock-effort "-")) > (`(,_ ,value) value) > (`(,value) value))) 828c831,833 < (let ((effort-in-minutes (org-duration-to-minutes org-clock-effort)) --- > (let ((effort-in-minutes (pcase (mapcar #'org-duration-to-minutes (split-string org-clock-effort "-")) > (`(,_ ,value) value) > (`(,value) value))) Da A Cc Data Wed, 16 Aug 2023 10:15:13 +0000 Oggetto Re: [BUG] Error in data input and output format for org-columns--summary-estimate writes: > Howdy! > I'm back to a previous element partially discussed as I found other org places where the duration had to be adapted to be able to deal with ranges: org-clock-get-clock-string and > org-clock-notify-once-if-expired, both in og-clock.el; both get into action if you have a task you estimated and for which you're now tracking development time (quite handy, I have to say, as you're immediately warned you've running beyond estimations. For those two functions, I have introduced a similar change to the one I did originally to go from the basic string-to number on split-string to org-duration to minutes. Thanks, Sant Ignucius, for the debug-on-entry feature :)) May you share your changes? I am not sure if I fully understand what and why you did without seeing the diff. > Two considerations here: > 1. I understand the fact that est+ doesn't have to necessarily be associated with effort, but it is quite clear from the docs which is the intent with which it was introduced: the only provided example is on times, and there we have to consider that time is expressed in durations. > What I mean is that it does NOT make much sense to me to tell users the effort is to be written as 3d if given as a single value, and it has to be rewritten as 3-5 if we want to say "in a fork of 3 to 5 days", especially if somewhere else some other duration unit is used.. It should not. The reason `org-columns--summary-estimate' uses split-string is because it may have to work with recursively calculated estimates from subtrees. EFFORT property itself does not officially support ranges. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at . Support Org development at , or support my work at