Hi Jerry, I do this using org-babel. I love being able to write my article *and* my beamer presentation in the same file. Using the literate programming facility of org-babel, I'm able to write them each in pieces, then assemble them at the end for tangling and export. This means I have to write real LaTeX and beamer code, rather than having the LaTeX export facility of org-mode do its work, but org-mode makes this easy with Ctrl-C ', which opens up the source block in a buffer where auctex and reftex are active. It looks something like this: #+srcname: latex-preamble #+begin_src latex :exports none \documentclass{article} \author{A. N. Author} \title{Article Title} \newcommand{\attr}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \begin{document} \maketitle #+end_src #+srcname: beamer-preamble #+begin_src latex :exports none \documentclass{beamer} ... (lots of stuff here) \begin{document} \maketitle #+end_src #+srcname: latex-document #+begin_src latex :tangle adz_print.tex :exports none % <> % < ... \end{document} #+end_src #+srcname: beamer-document #+begin_src latex :tangle adz_beamer.tex :exports none % <> % <> ... \end{document} #+end_src Calling org-babel-tangle gives me adz_print.tex for my article and adz_beamer.tex for my beamer presentation. There are probably other ways to achieve this (org-mode, you know) that might be simpler. The text I write outside the source blocks tracks what I hope to achieve, decisions I've made, etc. and uses the export facilities of org-mode to create a user manual for my employees. Right now I'm targeting html for the user manual, but LaTeX export would also work. HTH, Tom Thomas S. Dye, Ph.D. T. S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, Inc. Phone: (808) 529-0866 Fax: (808) 529-0884 http://www.tsdye.com On Oct 22, 2009, at 11:20 AM, JBash wrote: > Hi, > > A question about exporting: > > Is it possible to export two different subtrees in the same file to > a different class? There are cases where it would be nice to be > able to generate a document (say an article) from a single subtree > in a file, and have other subtrees that contain short presentations > that could be exported quickly to beamer, for example. Currently, > the exporter seems to find the first #+LaTeX_CLASS in the file and > use that for the entire file export, as well as exporting any > subtree in the file, even if you define a separate LaTeX_CLASS under > a specific subtree. I have looked into using export OPTIONS in > subtrees for this, but have not hit on the right combination. Is > this possible? > > Thanks, > Jerry > _______________________________________________ > Emacs-orgmode mailing list > Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. > Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org > http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode