> > ### Solution 1 > > You could use an elisp function to clear the nil. It is not automatic > and you would have to write a formula for every column but it might > still be better changing them manually. > > I don't know how to implement it automatically though. > > #+BEGIN_SRC_elisp > (defun removenil (x) > (interactive) > (replace-regexp-in-string "nil" "" x)) > #+END_SRC > I created this export filter which uses something similar but automatically replaces nil with --- on all my documents: (defun org-export-blanks-filter-latex (row backend info) "Replace nil in table with --- in LaTeX export." (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex) (replace-regexp-in-string "nil" "---" row))) (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-table-row-functions 'org-export-blanks-filter-latex) > #+NAME: test2 > #+BEGIN_SRC R :results value :exports results :colnames yes :hline yes :dir /tmp :session R-test1 > NA_rep <- function(dt,rep="") { > dt[is.na(dt)] <- rep > return(dt) > } > NA_rep(data.frame(a=c(1,2,NA),b=c("john","dan","marco"))) > #+END_SRC > This gets more painful if I want to use something like “—“ in numeric columns. The first approach/export filter is less painful than this. Thanks, Vikas