On 6 jun. 2013, at 10:20, Michael Bach <phaebz@gmail.com> wrote:

The LaTeX exporter does not honor the setting of org-list-allow-alphabetical.  

I think it never did.  Such a list is just an ordered list for export, the bullet type is just visual sugar in the Org buffer.
To force a special bulllet type, you should use other means (literal LaTeX).  For example:

* test

1. skfkshafkj
2. fkjshfksj

#+LaTeX: {\renewcommand{\theenumi}{\alph{enumi}}

1. kajsfkjhf
2. fjsfksjhf

#+LaTeX: }

1. sss
2. ljhsdfkjh

I hope this helps.

- Carsten

It exports ordered alphabetical list as standard enumerate environment with numbered items.

org-mode 8.0.3

I placed the setq before loading ox-latex.  I read in the docstring that org-list-allow-alphabetical should be set before org.el is loaded.  I installed org-plus-contrib from ELPA and thus do not manually load org.el.

I found a post on this ml [1] on a related issue where the OP states that doing the setq before loading the exporter solved his issue.

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2013-04/msg01843.html