Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@gmail.com> writes:

"Christopher M. Miles" <numbchild@gmail.com> writes:

Here is the profiler report:


#+beginexample 4003 66% - command-execute 4003 66% - call-interactively 3913 65% - funcall-interactively 3320 55% - kill-buffer 3318 55% - org-persist-write-all-buffer 3318 55% - org-persist-write-all

Sorry for this. Should be already fixed by 5abd149cf. Are you on latest main?

Best, Ihor

Thanks for quick patch, I'm on the latest main. and I pulled your patch. Now it's not infinite looping, but still takes about 3.5 seconds. So I take another profiler profiling again.


4824  88% - command-execute
4824  88%  - call-interactively
4797  87%   - funcall-interactively
4313  78%    - kill-buffer
4310  78%     - org-persist-write-all-buffer
4310  78%      - org-persist-write-all
4310  78%       - if
4310  78%        - let
4310  78%         - while
4310  78%          - let
4310  78%           - if
4310  78%            - progn
4310  78%             - org-persist-write
4310  78%              - if
4310  78%               - save-current-buffer
4310  78%                - let
3903  71%                 - let
3903  71%                  - if
3903  71%                   - if
3858  70%                    - progn
3858  70%                     - let
3380  61%                      - unwind-protect
3380  61%                       - prog1
3380  61%                        - save-current-buffer
 103   1%                         + write-region
 390   7%                      + let
  88   1%                        if
 405   7%                 + org-persist--get-index
   2   0%                 + setq
   1   0%     + auto-revert-notify-rm-watch
   1   0%     + valign--maybe-clean-advice
   1   0%     + recentf-track-closed-file
 484   8%    + counsel-M-x
  27   0%   + ivy-completing-read
 642  11% - ...
 642  11%    Automatic GC
   1   0% + global-font-lock-mode-check-buffers
   1   0% + redisplay_internal (C function)


4,155,608,836  99% - command-execute
4,155,608,836  99%  - call-interactively
4,155,381,887  99%   - funcall-interactively
4,151,008,326  99%    - kill-buffer
4,151,002,497  99%     - org-persist-write-all-buffer
4,151,002,497  99%      - org-persist-write-all
4,151,002,497  99%       - if
4,151,002,497  99%        - let
4,151,002,497  99%         - while
4,151,002,497  99%          - let
4,151,002,497  99%           - if
4,150,994,313  99%            - progn
4,150,994,313  99%             - org-persist-write
4,150,994,313  99%              - if
4,150,994,313  99%               - save-current-buffer
4,150,994,313  99%                - let
4,140,546,179  99%                 - let
4,140,546,179  99%                  - if
4,140,546,179  99%                   - if
4,140,540,035  99%                    - progn
4,140,540,035  99%                     - let
3,879,416,903  93%                      - unwind-protect
3,879,416,903  93%                       - prog1
3,879,416,903  93%                        - save-current-buffer
   20,391,917   0%                         - write-region
   20,165,663   0%                          + select-safe-coding-system
      226,254   0%                          + make-lock-file-name
      256,994   0%                         + prin1
  260,984,307   6%                      + let
      122,760   0%                      + if
       16,065   0%                        generate-new-buffer
    7,942,223   0%                 + org-persist--get-index
    2,505,911   0%                 + setq
        8,184   0%            + or
        3,072   0%     + tramp-flush-file-function
        1,120   0%     + preview-kill-buffer-cleanup
        1,024   0%     + save-place-to-alist
          613   0%     + replace-buffer-in-windows
    4,373,561   0%    + counsel-M-x
      226,949   0%   + ivy-completing-read
       65,528   0% + ...
       20,692   0% + redisplay_internal (C function)