I found the following thread, and tried to follow it, but it did not work: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2010-11/msg00390.html From: joon.ro@outlook.com To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 21:40:17 -0700 Subject: [O] Tangling #+Results block? Is it possible to tangle #+RESULTS: block? For example, #+BEGIN_SRC rst :tangle ./test.txt :noweb yes<>#+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC python :exports results :results output rawprint("Printed Results")#+END_SRC #+RESULTS: Printed Results And I want to tangle #+RESULTS: part, not the actual Python source code, so the tangled test.txt file has the following: Printed Results Best,Joon