I get a scan error when I try to add my current ORG file to the list of agenda files.
I'm using Emacs 23.1.1 on Windows, so it has the Org mode built in.
I create a new .ORG file, add some text, and save it.
Then I type C-c [
and I get this error.
Scan error: "Unbalanced parentheses", 17495, 29440
Any ideas?
The same thing happens if I use the menu:
Org --> File list for agenda --> Add/Move current file to front of list
Or the full command: org-agenda-file-to-front
I tried running the debugger, but that part of Emacs I've never learned. I haven't done my own Lisp programming. I'd provide some more info if someone wanted to prompt me on the next thing to try!
Jai Jeffryes

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