
there exist a contrib 
which allows you to link to specific versions of a file under git control.
Thus, you can describe a error/feature/behavior in a file and make sure the description remains valid even if you change the file in the mean time.
E.g. you can document your bug fixing with ¨before¨ and ¨after¨ links.
I believe that this is a very important feature if you work with git and org



On 3 January 2013 14:48, Jambunathan K <kjambunathan@gmail.com> wrote:
Luca Ferrari <fluca1978@infinito.it> writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm using Org mode to manage my coding projects, that are all based on
> git. I was wondering if there are tips and tricks to use the two
> efficiently, for instance storing the current head when a task is
> marched as completed in org mode, so that the task can "link" to the
> commit that completed a feature. Also having the commit text being
> based on the org task one (or viceversa?) could be useful.
> Anyone has an hint on how to achieve a more org-to-git integration?
> I'm using magit to what it matters.

        C-x v g and/or C-x v l

in your version controlled Org file.

In conventional prog-modes, while preparing a ChangeLog entry
        C-x 4 a

can identify the function where the change was made.  I don't whether in
Org-mode the nearest headline (which qualifies as 'nearest function')
gets picked up.  If not, you can make a feature request.

See also
        (info "(org) Attachments")

> Thanks,
> Luca
