Hi Sakurai san,

I gave calfw a new try yesterday. It works well now and I really like it!
I tried to do, as you suggested, a export via htmlfontify-buffer. 
It seems like it has problems with the cell alignment for those cells which contain an appointment.
Please see the attached picture (I can send you the html file in a private mail if you are interested to see the html code).
Could be the trouble of a non-monospace font, As far as I know Japanese fonts are monospace?

The generic htmlfontify-buffer might be a bit to simple. E.g. as you can see in the image, I use a dark colour scheme in emacs. This is also used in the export, making it difficult to print. 
How about a real export function in calfw? Similar to what the calendar/diary offers.
I could help to work on a LaTeX template using graphical elements e.g. by using TikZ [1]. 
There are SVG-based generators and solutions written in python as well.
However, I have no idea how move the data of calfw into a template or into such a script.
My elisp knowledge is almost non existing.

All the best


[1] http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/feature/calendar-library/


On 26 February 2013 01:56, SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai@kiwanami.net> wrote:

> Alternatives:
> I read about calfw and org2hpda. However, I did not found a way to generate a printable version of
> calfw (and I had trouble to set it up). For org2hpda I still struggle with the installation and it
> seems to be broken at the moment. Not sure.

I'm an author of calfw. I would help you about calfw.

After displaying your calfw buffer, you can get a HTML buffer
with M-x htmlfontify-buffer.

SAKURAI, Masashi (family, given)