Yes, there's a general question of how to escape multiple underscores.  

But there's a bigger question too:  Should an org-doc that runs fine in other exporters cause a messy-to-debug crash when it's exported to Latex?  Is that the Pandoc-like behavior that orgmode seems to be aiming for?

I love org-mode.  For years, I've used it as a project organizer, brainstorming tool, and extremely versatile notekeeper.  I've already got a big investment in it, so I'll spend the time to track down this kind of problem.  

But I'd guess that such unexpected Latex crashes have driven new users back to Word or whatever.

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 11:13 AM, Nicolas Goaziou <> wrote:

Scott Randby <> writes:

> There is an interesting issue here. I sometimes want to use ~ in a code
> snippet, so I can't use ~code snippet~. Yet,

Indeed, this was discussed in this ML. We need some escape character in
Org. A general escape character is a bit ambitious, and not necessarily
useful, but we could introduce one specifically for verbatim and code
markers, much like in macros and verbatim blocks, e.g.

  ~some\~code\=with special\\ characters~

There is a design decision involved: what character can be escaped? It
could be anything, or limit to "~" for code and "=" for verbatim
markers. For example macros limit escape-able characters to "," and "\".
This makes the contents easier to read, but the rule is inconsistent.


> Org code: \verb@a_variable_deleteThisAndItWorks@
> Exported LaTeX: \verb@a\(_{\text{variable}}_{\text{deleteThisAndItWorks}}\)@
> The exported LaTeX is not what we want. Instead,
> Org code: #+latex:\verb@a_variable_deleteThisAndItWorks@
> Alternative: @@latex:\verb@a_variable_deleteThisAndItWorks@@@
> Exported LaTeX: \verb@a_variable_deleteThisAndItWorks@
> I've wondered why \verb isn't exported correctly without specifying it
> as literal LaTeX,

It's because Org recognize LaTeX commands only if they are followed by
a blank character, the end of buffer, or "{}", which is not the case
with \verb@...@.


Nicolas Goaziou