Hi, There seems to be a bug in Org mode version 9.4.6 (9.4.6-gcf30f7: EXPORT_OPTIONS (at least p for with-planning) is only respected if there is no planning date placed above the properties drawer. >>> * TODO export options :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_OPTIONS: p:nil :END: SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> ** TODO l1 :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_OPTIONS: p:t :END: SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> *** TODO l2 SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> **** TODO l3 :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_OPTIONS: p:nil :END: SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> ***** TODO l4 SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> <<< produces the somehow expected behavior: >>> SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08> TODO l1 ======= SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08> TODO l2 ~~~~~~~ TODO l3 ------- SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08> * TODO l4 <<< But it is syntactically incorrect since the planning dates have to be the first line below the heading. For the following syntactically correct snippet the export_options are ignored: >>> * TODO export options SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_OPTIONS: p:nil :END: ** TODO l1 SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_OPTIONS: p:t :END: *** TODO l2 SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> **** TODO l3 SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> :PROPERTIES: :EXPORT_OPTIONS: p:nil :END: ***** TODO l4 SCHEDULED: <2021-06-08 Di.> <<< >>> TODO l1 ======= TODO l2 ~~~~~~~ TODO l3 ------- * TODO l4 <<< Same behavior I see with HTML export.