On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Bastien <bzg@altern.org> wrote:
Hi Jacobo,

Jacobo de Vera <devel@jacobodevera.com> writes:

> What I have done so far is to create a new file myself, copy the
> table over, edit there and copy back to org file, but it seems like
> there should be an easier way to go about this. Is there one?

I'd suggest to simply wrap the table into a "#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE" block or
a "#+BEGIN_SRC text" source block.  That way C-c ' will do the right

Hope that helps,


It helps indeed, only now when I export it to html I get the ascii table rather than the html table. I guess I'm supposed to wrap my table in an example block or a source block only temporarily. But I still wonder if this is what the manual refers to when it says that you can edit the table with C-c ', that is, just the formulas, not the table itself.


Jacobo de Vera