Hi all. how does one send the eval commands to the when running R code blocks to RSS to the background? currently when i evaluate a long code block it freezes Emacs until the process is done. here is an example code block i use: #+BEGIN_SRC R :session R1 :results output log.sga.270 <- glm(NSGA ~ IQRfintempmabirth+sinetime+costime+age_centered+age_centered_sq+cig_preg+cig_pre+med_income+p_ospace+gender+prev_400+ diab+hyper+lungd+diab_other+prevpret+as.factor(kess)+as.factor(MRN)+as.factor(edu_group)+as.factor(byob)+parity,data=bd,family=binomial) summary(log.sga.270) #+END_SRC thx so much in advance Z