I'm trying to give each header entry a timestamp. To do this I create a drawer like this: :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: [2013-03-19 Tue 14:26] :END: Initially, I do C-u M-x org-insert-drawer. This gives me :PROPERTIES: :END: Then I do C-c C-x p and choose CUSTOM-ID. Then I insert a timestamp. Here's what it looks like (expanded): ** Links *** [[http://www.neo4j.org/][The World's Leading Graph Database]] :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: [2013-03-19 Tue 14:26] :END: *** [[http://www.manning.com/carlson/][Redis: NoSQL; key-value; in-memory]] :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: [2013-03-19 Tue 19:34] :END: **** [[ http://justinsboringpage.blogspot.com/2011/07/eredis-redis-client-in-emacs-lisp.html][eredis: a Redis client in emacs lisp]] :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: [2013-03-19 Tue 19:42] :END: I'd like to know the best practice for adding such timestamps. Am I gaining anything by enclosing the timestamp in such an elaborate drawer? Are these two commands the best way to do this? Or is there a more automated approach? In general, I can't help but marvel at the ad-hoc, on-the-fly data management possibilities org-mode offers. It seems like the sky's the limit. But I'd like opinions on whether I'm stumbling along a blind alley.