I recently tried to set up J as described in http://orgmode.org/worg/ org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-J.html, starting by loading j-mode from stable melpa, but I get an org-babel error output when I try to execute a J source code block: "/bin/bash: jconsole: command not found". That makes it sound as if orgmode requires something besides setting j-console-cmd, which I had done: -console-cmd is a variable defined in ‘j-console.el’. Its value is "ijconsole" Original value was "jconsole" Documentation: Name of the executable used for the J REPL session You can customize this variable. Looking at ob-J.el, I see (defcustom org-babel-J-command "jconsole" "Command to call J." :group 'org-babel :version "26.1" :package-version '(Org . "9.0") :type 'string) and (defun org-babel-J-eval-string (str) "Sends STR to the `j-console-cmd' session and executes it." (let ((session (j-console-ensure-session))) (with-current-buffer (process-buffer session) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "\n%s\n" str)) (let ((beg (point))) (comint-send-input) (sit-for .1) (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point-max)))))) Tips? Thanks, Bill PS: I'm running Emacs v25.1.1 and org mode 9.1.3. There's a bit more info at http://jsoftware.com/pipermail/general/2017-December/037363.html. -- Bill Harris