I agree with the "less stuff" part. The first pass in my slides is for content, second pass is for formatting :-). For now, I did manual division of the sides. I am using both org-beamer and org-reveal (https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal) and ideally they would have optimized (and possibly different) slide breaks. E.g. perhaps beamer breaks 9 elements into 3 3-elements slides whereas reveal breaks into 2 slides, one with 5 elements and one of 4 elements.

I'll look around for the previous post but in the mean time I think I will stick with method 0.



On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 6:13 PM, Rasmus <rasmus@gmx.us> wrote:
Hi Stephen,

"Stephen J. Barr" <stevejb@uw.edu> writes:

> I am trying to get allowframebreaks to work in an org-mode
> presentation. I have the following header + slide.
> In the slide that is produced, it seems to drop off the slide after the
> 8th item, and there is no slide with anything about 9. Is there anything
> else that I need to add?


0. Put less stuff on your slides!  Seriously.

1. If 0 doesn't suit you look for the previous thread on this issue
   started by Eric Fragga.  There's a real simple solution where you
   unset the framelabel (label=).  I also posted a filter that should
   take care of it automatically it that's better in your setup.

Eric has reported the bug upstream here:


Hope it helps.


. . . The proofs are technical in nature and provides no real understanding.