Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #+CAPTION: Plot of something interesting. #+ATTR_LaTeX: :width \textwidth #+NAME: fig:result_plot file:./img/plot.pdf This method of placing plots into an org document no longer works. Previously, this would correctly produce the figure with a consistent label for internal references within the org document and the exported LaTeX document. Now, the export results in the following TeX code: \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{./img/plot.pdf} \caption{\label{fig:orgparagraph1} Plot of something interesting.} \end{figure} As it can be seen above, the intended label of fig:result_plot is no longer exported. This breaks any reference to \ref{fig:result_plot} in the LaTeX document while the label of ref:fig:result_plot only works within the org document. I do not regularly update my org-mode version, so the last working commit I had been using behaves correctly is 83fe247. Please let me know if I can provide any other information. Best, Andrew Emacs : GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.16.2) of 2015-04-20 on Package: Org-mode version 8.3.1 (release_8.3.1-123-g823cad @ /home/amdavis/src/org-mode/lisp/)