I recently opened some .org files from a year ago and tried to generate new PDFs from them. There have been significant updates to emacs, org-mode, and the relevant LaTeX packages I use, so some parts of the source had to be changed. Mostly, everything is working now except for generating PDFs with centered, side by side images. 

Here is what used to work:

    #+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.2\textwidth
    #+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.2\textwidth

I am currently using emacs 26.0.50, orgmode 9.0.3, with TeX Live 2016 on Debian and the example above results in images that are stacked on top of each other. When I examine the TeX source, this is the result:


I assume this is related to recent change in org-mode where images are centered by default. However, the following change to the org source does not solve the problem.

    #+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.2\textwidth
    #+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.2\textwidth

The images are still stacked on top of each other (although the outer "\center" calls are no longer present in resulting tex source):


I am able to get the images side by side if I disable org-mode's automatic centering:

    #+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.2\textwidth :center
    #+ATTR_LaTeX: :height 0.2\textwidth :center

But how can I get side by side images centered? Perhaps the answer is very  simple and obvious, but I have tried many other changes and been unable to accomplish this.

thanks in advance.