I am trying ot figure out if I can create a simplified syntax for a particular special block in a derived HTML exporter. 

I'm trying to produce HTML like this:

<div class="r-stack>
  <img data-fragment="fade-out" src="...."/>
  <img data-fragment="fade-in" src="..."/>

The derived backend (org-re-reveal) already has an 
#+ATTR_REVEAL that an make the data-fragment attributes, so it's not hard to produce
the desired outpu:

#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear [[imglink1]]
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag appear
[[imglink2]] #+end_r-stack

However, I'd really like to add a less verbose syntax, like this:

#+begin_r-stack :frag (appear appear) [[imglink1]] [[imglink2]] #+end_r-stack
My question is: will the exporter preserve information from these header-like arguments, and is 
there a mechanism I can use in a custom ~special-block-function~ to make use of htem?

Thanks for your help as always!
