Hi everyone, I'm co-teaching a class this term and my co-instructor is a markdown user, so I am getting to know a little bit about pandoc. One feature I really love is the unified slideshow export: http://pandoc.org/demo/example19/Producing-slide-shows-with-Pandoc.html All the export filters use the same syntax for slide divisions, slide "builds" (dynamic appearance of slide contents), and sub-slides (reveal.js creates two-dimensional slideshows), as well as for speaker notes. The use of standard markdown features also makes the writing process very convenient. By contrast, some of these features can be a little confusing in Org, and moving from one export format to another can take a certain amount of work. If I want a "build" to work properly in both deck.js and reveal.js, for instance, I need both a properties drawer and an #+ATTR_HTML line. In pandoc I need neither. Does anyone else think it would be worthwhile to standardize some of these features within org itself -- either by adding new syntax/options, or by interpreting existing syntax in a uniform way across export filters? The first option is less invasive, I think, while the second option would be slightly more convenient going forward (for new users at least). Pandoc chooses the second option -- new slides are indicated by a horizontal rule, for instance. If other people like the idea I would be willing to draw up a more complete proposal and write some preliminary code for the export back-ends I'm familiar with. I am unfortunately a slow coder though, so a positive resolution would still be a ways away. Looking forward to hearing what you all think. Thanks! Matt