On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 5:20 AM, Xebar Saram <zeltakc@gmail.com> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 12:09 PM, Fabrice Popineau <fabrice.popineau@supelec.fr> wrote:

how do i (for a specific slide) make all text not centered but rather left aligned?

I haven't been following this thread very lcosely, but hopefully this will help:
org-reveal allows you to specify a local.css file (M-x customize-variable org-reveal-extra-css).  I keep mine in ~/src/org-reveal/local.css, but you should choose a location that works for you.  I use this file to define extra css classes for nededs that reveal doesn't met out of the box. 

This is a two step process.  In your local.css, put something like this:

.left p, .left ul, .left li {

and then in your org file:

#+ATTR_HTML: :class left
** Slide Title

some slide content


I *think* this should work.  If it doesn't, please reply and I'll try to help. 
thx so much again