Hi, I'm modifying https://github.com/helloyi/ox-hugo/edit/master/ox-hugo.el to make a few things a little easier. In particular, I'd like to be able to set the hugo content directory and hugo section paths as export options. to this end I have defined some new export options: :options-alist '(( (:hugo-content-dir "HUGO_CONTENT_DIR" nil nil) (:hugo-section "HUGO_SECTION" "posts" nil) (:hugo-static-images "HUGO_STATIC_IMAGES" "image" nil))) So now I can set these with #+HUGO_CONTENT_DIR: /home/matt/hugo/content or :PROPERTIES: :HUGO_CONTENT_DIR: /home/matt/hugo/content :END: But because these are paths I want to write to, I'd like to be able to access these settings *before* calling org-export-to-file in a function like: ---------------------------------------- (defun org-hugo-export-to-md (&optional async subtreep visible-only) "Export current buffer to a Hugo Flavored Markdown file. [ snip ] Return output file's name." (interactive) (let* ((pub-dir (concat (file-name-as-directory UM_I_WANT_TO_WRITE_HUGO_CONTENT_DIR HUGO_SECTION_DIR))) (outfile (org-export-output-file-name ".md" subtreep))) (org-export-to-file 'hugo outfile async subtreep visible-only))) -------------------------- But I'm not sure what to use to access the settings at this stage, since I don't have the "info" channel available yet. It seems a little silly to call =org-export--get-export-attributes= here, since it will also be called by =org-export-to-file=. Is that, in fact, the best thing to do? As always, thank you! Matt