On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 3:38 PM Matt Price <moptop99@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 2:32 PM John Kitchin <jkitchin@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
I think that what you really want to do here is modify org-mime-compose so that you can use the send-actions argument to message-mail. In scimax-email.el I use that to be able to turn an org-heading into an email, send it, and then jump back to the heading to insert some information about the email into the heading properties after it is sent. A lot of the information gets passed via global variables. Maybe there is a better way to do that, I wrote that code a long time ago.

I'm trying to use mu4e~compose-mail instead of message-compose, I guess mostly because I want to be able to use the mu4e email address completion features in the `To:` header.  And it wouldalso be nice to save the email to the appropriate mu folder.   But I didn't seem to be able to make mu4e bounce back to my buffer no matter what I do, and though mu4e~compose-mail accepts a return-action argument it doesn't actually use it :-(.  
Otherwise, you need to figure out how to use something like a macro that captures the current-buffer and creates a lambda function with that information in it, and attaches it to the message-buffer hook somehow. For example this will display a message-box for me after the message is sent.

(let ((f `(lambda ()
    (message-box "Came from %s" ,(current-buffer)))))
  (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook f nil t))

Some important notes is this hook is added in local mode, so it only affects that email buffer.

Can you explain to me what yo umean by "added in local mode" -- how is that achieved?

Meanwhile, htis is what I've done and it seems to work:

(eval (car (read-from-string
             "(advice-add 'mu4e~switch-back-to-mu4e-buffer  :after
                            (lambda ()
                               (get-buffer \""
             "\" ))
                              (advice-remove 'mu4e~switch-back-to-mu4e-buffer \"om-temp-advice\"))
                            '((name . \"om-temp-advice\")))"))))

seems a little baroque. Maybe what you have there is way better.  I don't really undertand backquotes and leading ocmmas even now. 

I'd think this owuld be equivalent but the advice removal isn't working:
(advice-add 'mu4e~switch-back-to-mu4e-buffer :after
                 `(lambda ()
                    (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer ,(buffer-name) ))
                    (advice-remove 'mu4e~switch-back-to-mu4e-buffer "om-temp-advice")
                    '((name . "om-temp-advice")  ))))
the naming isn't being carried out succesfully.  I guess the regular quoting works differnely inside a backquote or osmething?


Professor John Kitchin 
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 1:40 PM Matt Price <moptop99@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey, I guess this is OT.

I'm trying to advice org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize so that it returns to the org buffer when its done. I want to do something like this:

(let ((thisbuffer (current-buffer))
     :after (lambda (docid props)
              (switch-to-buffer thisbuffer)
              (advice-remove 'mu4e-sent-handler 'om-sent-advice)
              ) '((name . 'om-sent-advice)))

but by the time the hook is run, the (let) has long since lapsed, and thisbuffer is no longer defined. Can I force evaluation of the variable during definition?
