I had some problems with the MELPA version of org-mime, and wasn't able to solve my issues using the current version. I've rebased off of a PR submitted to the upstream repo by John Kitchin. Core org-mime functions once again work for me and I've added a couple of new features:

- mu4e support
- initial, primitive support for blockquoting paragraphs that start with ">" -- this is pretty ugly right now but maybe it will be possible to improve later on.

My tree is here: https://github.com/titaniumbones/org-mime/tree/file-eqns
I'm developing against recent git versions of org and emacs. 
I'd love to hear comments from others.

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 10:04 PM Matt Price <moptop99@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm having a whole bunch of trouble getting org-mime to work, and I wondered ifo ther people are using it productively?

Two biggest issues so far, both reproduced with emacs -Q on recent emacs git, org-mode git, and org-mime git:

- org-mime-org-subtree-htmlize fails for me with "org-back-to-heading: before first heading"
- org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize runs successfully, but only produces the html mime part; the text/plain message part is empty.

org-mime-htmlize, when run in a mail buffer, still seems to work & produce a 2-part message with text/plain and text/html working well.

Have folks seen this before & do you have a fix? thank you!