On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Willem Rein Oudshoorn <woudshoo@xs4all.nl> wrote:
Matt Price <moptop99@gmail.com> writes:

> Thank you Willem,
> This looks very helpful.
> I am trying the code out in a scratch buffer and I am unable to gnerate org
> syntax, e.g. with this test string:
> (h-2-o-insert-org-source-for-html  "<p><a
> href=\"http://example.org/\">hello</a>
> <span style=\"font-style:italic;\">world<br/> foo</span></p>" )
> Am I doing something wrong?  Thanks,

I added the <a href...> conversion, so that part should work now.
However, I am not sure I want to do the <span style=...> thing.
It seems that this requires some CSS parsing to do the right thing.

Also in this example, the italics would span multiple lines, for which I
think the only way to represent this in org is by enclosing each line in
a pair of '/'.

However, is there a specific use case where you need the conversion from
the <span style='...'> to be precise?   (At the moment it will still
output the content of the <span> but it will not be formatted.

If there is a specific use case, I could maybe make it work for that.

Personally, I use it to edit text fields in salesforce.
For which I do not care too much if the round trip yields perfect

Hi Wim,

I am trying to parse the output of citeproc-js, which does produce those spans -- not veyr elegant, I must say, but that's what I'm working with. 
I will try this again in about a day, when I am done with the hard part of my week!  Thank you very much,

Wim Oudshoorn