In my lectures i often have simple examples that build progressively over several slides. In order to use klipse properly, but also for clarity, I gneerally repeat variable declarations from slide to slide, so for instance: ** Making Lists (Arrays) +#NAME: js-array-historians #+BEGIN_SRC js let historians= ["Edward Gibbon", "Leopold von Ranke", "Edward Said", "Joan Scott"]; #+END_SRC ** Repetition: While Loops #+NAME: js-while-hist #+begin_src js <> let i = 0; while (i < historians.length) { console.log(historians[i] + " was a historian."); i+=1; } #+end_src There might then be a sequence of another 5 or 6 slides in which the same "historians" array is bound to the same value and used as an example. This works fine on its own. However, I would also like to tangle all this code to a single file per lecture so students can download a git repo and play with it directly in a real text editor. Unfortunately, javascript will error out if a ~let~ bound variable is redeclared in the same scope. I'm wondering if there's any way to specify that a noweb reference only be included one time in a tangled file. Or if there are cleverer workarounds that folks can suggest! Thanks much, Matt