for this issue, I define a class "paired" in my local cass file (or actually, I now use a very modestly edited custom theme) :

.paired {
    float:left !important;
    max-width:47% !important;

and then in the org file:
:#+ATTR_HTML: :class paired

That works OK for me. the "!important" is necessary because reveal css is prtty greedy & hard to override. 

On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 1:46 PM, Michael Welle <> wrote:

took me the better part of the afternoon, but I came up with the
following approach:

* Was ist Virtualisierung?
- Aus der Wikipedia:
Virtualisierung bezeichnet in der Informatik die Nachbildung eines
Hard- oder Software-Objekts durch ein ähnliches Objekt vom selben Typ
mit Hilfe eines Abstraktions-Layers.

#+REVEAL_HTML: <div style="display:flex;align-items:center;margin:auto;width:60%;">

#+REVEAL_HTML: <div style="width:30%">
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>

#+REVEAL_HTML: <div style="width:30%">
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>

#+REVEAL_HTML: <div style="width:30%">
#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>

#+REVEAL_HTML: </div>

That resembles the slide from [0] to a certain degree. The three images
are centered, vertically and horizontally, even if they are of different
sizes. I'm not sure though how good the support for display:flex is,
esp. when it comes to mobile devices. And, for my taste at least, that
approach needs too much knowledge about style sheets. Still looking for
a nicer solution ;).