Hello everyone,

I'm taking an informal but intensive Nepali language class. There's no textbook, and vocabulary comes rapidly from the teacher during lcass.  I end up with notes that look like this:

**** yo & tyo-based constructions

| yatti  | this much  |
| katti  | how much   |
| yaha   | this place |
| kaahaa | where      |
| yasto  |            |
| kasto  | how        |
| yasari |            |
| kasari |            |

*tyo* and *u*

similar, but over there.  nearly synonymous is "u", which in principle is reserved for persons, but is used for both. "u" can also be in between yo and two, between this and that. 
- u kosto manche ho? ::  what kind of person is he?
- u kosto manche ho? :: u asal manche ho

So there are two types of notes here --
- vocabulary in a 2-column table (sometimes there is a third or fourth table, with devenagri and a note of some kind, ubt thosse have been rare)
- example sentences in definition lists -- sometimes they are nepali --> english, and osmetimes question --> answer

I would like ot convert both these types of construction to flashcards using org-drill, but doing so by hand would be prohibitively time-consuming.  Has anyone already written some code to doe these kinds of ocnversions? My head is so scrambled fro mthis ocurse that it's hard for me to think in lisp...

THank you!

I would like to convert