Hi Vikas,
for what it's worth, I usually run two windows (in the same frame), side-by-side, with emacs maximised.
On the left I have my org file and on the right I have an R session, which I start immediately after I open my org file.
When I use C-c ' on an R source block, the org buffer (on the left) is replaced by by the source code edit buffer - leaving the R-session on the right untouched.
That way I can either evaluate a whole code block (from org using C-c C-c) or go through the source code line-by-line (using ESS).
Seems like that's what you want to do, too.
Anyway, just my two cents worth, in case it helps.

On 3 July 2017 at 09:47, Vikas Rawal <vikaslists@agrarianresearch.org> wrote:
> Vikas Rawal <vikaslists@agrarianresearch.org> writes:
>> Isn’t is what most users need while editing the code block? The
>> possibility of evaluating the code to test and see what happens?
> Many languages do not support sessions. So, the only possibility to
> evaluate the code is to evaluate the code block in the source buffer.

Yes, what I am talking about is relevant only when a session is defined. What I would like is that if in a file the session is defined, C-c’ creates
a window configuration that shows the edit buffer and the session. In other cases, the two windows could show the edit buffer and the original org buffer.
