2011/12/21 Bastien <bzg@altern.org>
Hi Steve,

"Steve Prud'Homme" <sprudhom@gmail.com> writes:

> I realy like the org-mode. I use it for my school work. I have a
> questions about litle things like :
> 1. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf to make a title
> page verticaly centered.

This depends on the LaTeX class you use -- from memory, the class
"report" dedicates one page to the title page, and centers the title
vertically (or somewhat close.)

> 2. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf It is possible to
> do a page brake after the table of content

OK but where in the org file to put the pagebreake after the table of content. When I put the pagebreake in the beginning of the org-file i have a blank page in the begening of my document.
Just use \pagebreak in your Org file.

> 3. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf It is possible give
> the text a interline of 1.5 for certain part of the text.

#+LaTeX: \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5}

before the part you want to modify, and

#+LaTeX: \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1}

to go back to a normal interline after this part.
Cool but it apply on title, not on regular paragraph text

> 4. When i make table i use table - create (ex: 7x3). It is possible
> to merge cell like in word(example first row 1 colomn second row 4
> column)

Yes, finaly i found a cool video about this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w3cOypPhDI

> 5. It is possible when i export a org file in pdf It is possible to
> set the font size

Yes - customize `org-export-latex-classes' to your needs, adding
\documentclass[11pt]{article} where it makes sense.
It is posible to do that but only when i need it... like the interline.

> 6. Finaly it is possible to make a table that i use a lot a form that
> i can fill and it is possible with i don't know a short-cut or
> something to call this form when i need it.

It's not currently possible, but we can imagine a helper function for
that.  For now I would suggest: just store the empty table in a register:
select the table, `C-x r s', then `C-x r i' when you want to insert the
empty table again.

> Please excuse my english, i'm french

J'ai réussi à comprendre à peu près :)
Ah bein tabarouette !