Hi, this is my .emacs setting for org-mobile file : *(setq org-directory "H:\\Dropbox\\PROJETS\\PERSONNEL\\Notes\\org");; Set to the name of the file where new notes will be stored(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "H:\\Dropbox\\PROJETS\\PERSONNEL\\Notes\\org\\flagged.org ");; Set to /MobileOrg.(setq org-mobile-directory "H:\\Dropbox\\Applications\\MobileOrg")* When I do a org-mobile-push everything works fine, the file are staged. When I go in the mobile-org App on my phone I sync, nothing append, no file is showing. I have Windows 7 Utilmage 64 bits, GNU Emacs 25.2.1 (x86_64-w64-mingw32), org-mode 9.0.7, gnuwin v0.6.3.1, md5sums v1.2 and gnuwin32-coreutils.install v5.3.0 This is my checksum file *f9e61c780722c7e3655509c1b318d221 index.org 68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940 mobileorg.org 968e7b73c1aeb1eadc33b2a8c05d1bf9 agendas.org * I don't know what is the problem exacly... -- Posté par Steve Prud'Homme [image: FSF Associate Member]