Hello: I've noticed a problem around line 19171 of org.el. The size of images is supposed to be controlled by attributes and by `org-image-actual-width'. But it seems like the use of `when', `save-match-data' and `string-to-number' are in the wrong order in this region, so that `(match-string 1)' is not defined properly when it's evaluated. The following instructions should allow you to reproduce the issue: Run this: #+BEGIN_SRC shell wget http://www.lisperati.com/lisplogo_warning_256.png -O lisp_warning.png #+END_SRC Then: [[elisp:(setq org-image-actual-width '(1200))]] [[elisp:(org-toggle-inline-images)]] #+ATTR_ORG: :width 256 [[file:./lisp_warning.png]] ... and the attached patch fixed the problem for me.