Hello. This discussion https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2017-02/msg00163.html points out that Org tables are converted to HTML tables when exporting through "ox-md". Leaving Markdown-related issues aside, I've stumbled upon this problem a while back. It is suggested that wrapping the table within a "#+(BEGIN|END)_EXPORT md" should leave it as-is in the exported document but that is not the case. The table gets converted to HTML anyway. When skimming through the Org manual I found that "#+(BEGIN|END)_EXPORT back-end" blocks are used to export text *only* for the specified back-end. This appears in the ASCII back-end documentation (does it work like this for others back-ends?). In a general level, is there a way to keep blocks of text completely unmodified (without indentation also) on export?