Hi all, I would like to contribute org-babel functions for Groovy evaluation. I simply copy/pasted ob-scala.el and made appropriate changes. I'm attaching ob-groovy.el as a file. All 3 tests pass, although I haven't created `testing/test-ob-groovy.el` - I'll look into that. --- testing last result ---------------- #+BEGIN_SRC groovy println "ignored" 1 + 2 #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : 3 ---------------------------------------- --- testing results output -------------- #+BEGIN_SRC groovy :results output println '1' println '2' println 1 + 2 #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: =1 2 3 ---------------------------------------- --- testing table ---------------------- #+BEGIN_SRC groovy :results verbatim raw """ | 1 | 2 |-- | a | b """.trim() #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | 1 | 2 | |---+---| | a | b | ---------------------------------------- Kind Regards, Miro Bezjak