Hi all, my Arch Linux has just received an update to Emacs 24.3 that comes with new & shiny (& slightly outdated :) org-mode (org-version: 7.9.3f). I ran into a little annoyance, though. Suppose `-------------' represents top of the window and `0' cursor position. I type `C-c a a', `o' to `delete-other-windows' and get the following agenda listing (details omitted): ------------- TODO task 1 TODO task 2 TODO task 3 0 TODO task 4 TODO task 5 After I press `t' for `org-agenda-todo' I get: ------------- 0 DONE task 4 TODO task 5 `org-agenda-todo' seems to scroll (up or down - depending on how you're looking at it) in a way to make the task, currently marked as DONE, be the first line in the window. I briefly looked at source code of `org-agenda-todo' but could find anything odd. Though, I'm, by far, not an expert. So, got any clues? Thanks, Miro