
I'm interested in using org-mode to generate beamer slides and an article-like printout (using the article class, usepackage{beamerarticle} and latex export) from the same source, and I am running into two problems with the export to article when there are multiple columns.

1.) I often use an empty headline with B_columns tag to allow me to specify top alignment. E.g.,

#+begin_src org
*                                                             :B_columns:
:BEAMER_env: columns
:BEAMER_opt: T
** Column 1                                                     :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.35
** Column 2                                                :BMCOL:
#+end_src org

In the printout, this yields an ugly empty section with a number if num:t. Is there a better way to pass [T] to the title-less columns environment, or (less preferably) a way to specify a title for the section without it appearing on the beamer slide?

2.) In the above example, the B_columns and BMCOL tags get exported to the latex file for the printout (with an error because the underscore is used outside of math mode). Can these be suppressed?
