Hello Aurélien, I just tried org-sync to fetch the issues from a project in github, this looks really useful! Not a big deal but I see that you have to set os-github-auth and call M-x os-import, os etc.. to use org-sync. Since the library is named org-sync, wouldn't it be better to base on the library name for these settings? e.g. `org-sync-github-auth`, `org-sync-import`... Cheers! - Waldemar On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Aurélien Aptel wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm releasing a new version of Org-sync, the tool to sync Org > documents with external bugtrackers/TODO-list system. > > There are functional (although not complete) backends for: > - Github > - Bitbucket > - Redmine > > And I'm currently working on Remember the Milk. > I've updated the installation procedure in the tutorial. It should be > easier now if it was bothering you before. > I've also made a short (~4mn) demo video covering the Bitbucket > backend and conflicts. On a side note, making this video was a painful > experience and I now realize the lack of good stable and free(dom) > video editing software on Linux. > > Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbj6-j0teCY > Tutorial: > http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync/tutorial/ > Webpage: > http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync/index.html > >