I think already 'supported' in the sense that something like #+HOMEPAGE: would count as being an in-buffer setting as described in the http://orgmode.org/manual/In_002dbuffer-settings.html

Org mode uses special lines in the buffer to define settings on a per-file basis. These lines start with a ‘#+’ followed by a keyword, a colon, and then individual words defining a setting.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Bastien <bzg@gnu.org> wrote:
Hi Marcin,

Marcin Borkowski <mbork@wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes:

> what about adding #+HOMEPAGE (alongside #+AUTHOR and #+EMAIL) to the
> metadata?

What would it do?

> What are the pros and cons?  (One argument against: default
> LaTeX classes do not support this.  Any other?)

Not sure what "supporting" means :)
